5m roll 10 15 20 25 30 50mm reusable fastening tape cable ties double side hook roll hook and loop straps wires cords organizer


Everyone wants a beautifully organized and aesthetically designed home or office dГ©cor for oneself. We have managed to get beautiful cabinets and organizers and managed to organize corners of each room or office, finally giving the graceful look for the living space we always wanted. But imagine your kid is playing and tumbled over the cables in the house. Or your superb classy office interiors are looking all shabby because of the wires hanging around. To establish an aesthetically appealing and clean work environment, cable management is critical. Managing cables or wires ensures fundamental functionality and protects devices from obstructed airflow caused by disordered cables. Untangling tangled wires or cables can be time-consuming and stressful. The 15.75 x 6.46 x 5.35 inch Litem Cable Organizer is meant to store extension cords and includes a built-in mirror on top of the lid that allows the user to peek inside the device without having to open it. The white color makes it look classy and matches any kind of interior. A cable organizer may help you not only keep your house and office look clean and organized, but it can also help you increase the life and performance of your wires! Crushing and drooping are likely to occur if cords are allowed to pile up on the floor or dangle loosely behind machines. You can avoid having to spend money on replacement network connections by purchasing this cable organizer. Nothing attracts dust like tangled cable piles: just look under your desk! Those dust balls are probably not helping your housework. However, they are most likely making you sneeze! Managing excess cord length with a product such as the Cable-organizer, which lifts wires and peripheral devices off the floor, making cleaning easier and preventing dirt from collecting in the first place. When it's time to replace or maintain network equipment, the last thing you want to do is sift through a tangle of identical wires to find the one you need! Wire markers and label printers remove the uncertainty by clearly marking each cord, allowing you to devote your time to more important duties. .(1)It's strong and sturdy hence, long-lasting(2)It has a mirror on the top of the lid which helps easy viewing without opening the lid every time of use(3)It enhances the appearance of any interior office or home decor(4)It's simple to use and operate.

Товары и цены:

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