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The characters Happiness, Anger, Sadness, and Pride are here to teach your little ones how to recognise emotions and name their feelings. This brightly illustrated board book is a gentle and simple introduction to strong emotions. It will help your pre-schooler tell you how they are feeling and understand what happens to their body when they are happy or sad. Cute characters, like the star for Pride and the flame for Anger, evoke the feelings that small children have experienced. They just might not have the words for it just yet. Help them understand what these emotions are and that everyone feels them sometimes. This charming book explains how emotions can make us act in different ways, like stamping our feet when we are angry, or jumping up and down when we are happy. It tells children what happens to their bodies, inside and out when they feel different things, and why we act the way we do. The easy language makes for a fun and educational reading time. This helps children with language, vocabulary, and talking about their emotions, especially if they have difficulty expressing feelings. Let the characters help your toddler answer the question "why do I feel sad?" with simple explanations. A Little Guide to My Emotions This fantastic children's feeling guide includes: - Four key emotions to learn - Easy to read text that encourages vocabulary building - Beautiful illustrations that will engage pre-schoolers Each character emotion in How Am I Feeling? has a storybook of their own. Look out for sunshine in I Feel Happy, raincloud in I Feel Sad, flame in I Feel Angry and the little star in I Feel Proud so your little one can continue to grow their emotional development.

Товары и цены:

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